Melissa McLaughlin Wellness

I help you Re-Balance & Come Back Home to YOU through Intentional Bodywork, Empowerment Coaching and Mindfulness. 

I am excited to begin our journey together.

I am Melissa McLaughlin, an Intuitive Bodyworker specializing in Medical Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage & Craniosacral Therapy. I am a Reiki Master and a Coach - Empowerment & Holistic Alcohol Recovery. 

True growth begins within. In order to heal and unconditionally love ourselves, we have to be willing to look at the root causes to our obstacles. The willingness to change is the first step.

Everything is energy and connected through source. Physical ailments can come from emotional or energetic imbalances.

Let's work together to bring you back into your rhythm, back into balance, back home to you!

Doing the work is an ongoing process. I have been and still am experiencing this. I have developed my self care tools to aid me in my healing and I want to use this knowledge to help guide you along your path. 

Are you frustrated with western medicine? Do you struggle with anxiety and/or depression? Are you experiencing chronic pain? Do you want to evolve? Together, we can achieve this! 

Interested in booking a FREE 30-Minute Strategy Call?

"Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity."
– Hippocrates

P.O. Box 51, Danvers, MA 01923

Copyright © 2023 Restorative Muscular Therapy & Wellness