Big 6 Routine

The Big 6 Routine is something that you can add in throughout your day when you feel sluggish or when you need a boost. This routine also helps you clear stagnant lymph and improve circulation. Experiencing some brain fog? Try the Big 6!

The 6 Catchment Zones we work are the subclavian (above the collar bone), Vagus nerve (behind the ear), axillary (armpit), abdomen, inguinal (groin) and popliteal (behind the knee). Rub and tap each area 7-10 times then shake out and bounce on your toes to get things moving even more!

Why follow these steps?

The subclavian vein area is what brings the de-oxygenated blood back to the heart to pick up more of that O2 to circulate through your body. All of your fluid returns through this area. That is why we clear this first! Vagus nerve area is next so that we can drain the head and neck. If the Vagus nerve area is blocked or clogged it can cause an increase in inflammation and anxiety. So we want this clear all the time! Armpit area helps drain our arms and shoulders. This area can be clogged due to the nature of everything being in front of us and not moving our arms enough. Abdomen is one of the most important! 70% of your lymphatic organs are in your belly. 70%! And we don’t pay enough attention to it for all that it does for us. Our gut health relates to our brain health. Groin is important because this drains the legs, pelvis, and lower back. It can be clogged due to the time we sit. Walking can help get this area moving too! Behind the knee is last because this helps drain and clear the lower legs. It can also be clogged or shut off due to the amount of time we sit. We have built in rebounders in our bodies – skeletal muscles. The bouncing helps us return the fluid back to our hearts.

If you want to further your knowledge of the Lymphatic System and routines to help keep you pain free and healthy, check out my course

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